Industrial Centrifugal Fans
Fan Impellers
Drive Arrangements
Discharge Directions
Industrial Axial Flow Fans
Type of Fans
Industrial Evaporative Coolers
Principle of operation
Salient Features
Range of Evaporative Coolers
Industrial Paint Booths
Roof Exhausters
Tunnel Ventilation Fans
Industrial Man Coolers
Dust Collection Systems
Pulse jet filter units
Cyclone Separators
Projects Undertaken

The figures below show basic design of impellers.

These kind of impellers are used to handle air containing slight fumes or light traces of dust.

These kind of impellers are ideally suited for conveying large volumes of air or gas at moderate pressures.

These kind of impellers are used to handle air containing large quantities of dust or when the dust is moist or fibrous.

These kind of impellers are used to handle large volumes of air, mostly used for evaporative cooling and similar applications.